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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fairness & Accountability in Broadcasting Act - NOT!

You must inform yourself about the ramifications of Bill HR 501 -
"The Fairness and Accountabilty in Broadcasting Act" which is a ferocious wolf in sheep's clothing (Fair in name only) that can bring freedom of religious expression on the airwaves (TV & Radio) in the USA to a crippling halt in a matter of a few short weeks. I am hardly "crying wolf here" there is a dangerous and looming reality of the negative impact such an act would have on Christian broadcasting across this country. Christian radio and television broadcasting as we know it would cease to exist.

This act was originally introduced and approved back when radio and television broadcasts and stations were very few (1950's) and intended to ensure variety in programming for that time (way before we had literally hundreds of stations to chose from as we do today) and was later repealed in 1987 by the FCC who said it "violates the First Amendment and contravenes the public interest."

The literal results of having this bill passed would be any ordinary citizen (or group) could file a complaint calling to have a stations license revoked because they were not providing (counter programming of an equal viewpoint) for every single program the station airs.

That means that a Christian station broadcasting a pro-life view program would have to air a pro-choice program, and on and on. If they did not and someone (any individual) complained that they were violating the act by not doing so, the individual could file a complaint to have the station investigated and it's license revoked. At that point the station would have to comply, in some manner.

A sermon on the gospel could literally require a counter speech broadcast on the truths of atheism, paganism, etc... Station managers not wanting to compromise their station or ministry integrity will most likely chose to air neither type of program.

This is a pandora's box and once opened the A.C.L.U and any other individual or organization desiring to remove God from the public square can use this option to intimidate, oppose and legally cripple every radio station and television broadcast station that airs Christian programming and not counter views along with them.

Who is in control here, certainly not the individual radio or tv station to decide what they broadcast. The intent of this Bill introduced by NY Louise Slaughter is clearly the liberals design to shut down the opposing voice of the Christian right and if passed it literally does have the power to do it!

Keep on top of the status of this bill, and if you oppose it... then contact your representatives now, before it is too late to do so.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Schiavo findings don't justify 'cruel death'

Some quotes...

"No amount of brain injury ever justifies denying a person proper humane care," Pavone said. "That includes food and water." ...

"There are those who will use this autopsy report to claim that the death by dehydration imposed on Terri Schiavo was compassionate or merciful," she continued. "Others would say such a life is not worth living. Such thinking is misguided and absolutely wrong. Those decisions are not ours to make." ...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Effects of Uprooting Zimbabwe's Lower Class

There is a serious human rights issue effectings the lives of Zimbabwe's neediest citizens and it needs global attention! I hope the nations rise to the defense of (and find a way to help deliver) these people from these circumstances. People are not trash, and this is a travesty.

* Zimbabwe's 'Cleanup' Takes a Vast Human Toll

Published: June 11, 2005

A Quote From the NY Times Article..

"The United Nations estimates that the campaign, Operation Murambatsvina, using a Shona word meaning "drive out the rubbish," has so far left 200,000 people homeless and 30,000 vendors jobless. Human rights and civic leaders say the numbers could be several times that,..."
Please join me in praying for those who are now homeless...
Father, In the name of Jesus Christ...
We stand before your holy throne of grace
and are standing in the gap
for the poor and needy of Zimbabwe,
many who have been cast from their homes
and driven out of their towns and neighborhoods.
Send in missions and relief organizations
to care for and find ways to help them.
Deliver them from this terrible plight!
Give them a spirit of hope and
let them have opportunity to hear &
receive Your Word into their hearts,
and all Your promises that follow.
Father, Restore the cold hearts of stone
who have shown them no mercy
back into repentant hearts of flesh.
Forgive those who have mercilessly treated them,
for truly they do not know what they do.
Lord, we trust that your hand is on this situation
and on this people and Your will shall be done.
In the name of Jesus, we give thanks and praise!