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A Champion & Voice for the Persecuted

Monday, July 04, 2005

Is the U.S.A Persecution's Final Outpost?

The worldwide rise of Christian persecution has been matched in our own nation by a lesser form of persecution (we call it religious discrimination). Slowly but surely the United States has begun to follow suit after other "so called" civilized nations and the suppression of Christian expression and free speech, the "legal abililty" to speak forth the whole Word, and in some cases even to evangelize is fast becoming more & more squashed by the God Smashers within this very nation..

Is the U.S.A the final outpost of Christian persecution? I believe it is. I'm not saying we will be the last nation standing, far from it. But on this celebration of our country's "independance" I wonder how many more freedoms will have been sacrificed by this time next year in these United States of America?

I thank God for the freedoms I still have, & although at this point every effort to maintain them will be an ever increasing uphill battle, we must continue to press on, hold on... and keep watch over this nation. Because once we as Christians lose our voice in our own backyards, our ability to evangelize the rest of the world will be lost along with it. We will know what persecution is, we have seen it from afar.. but not yet truly felt it but we will soon enough.

For those of us who support and watch over the persecuted church we should possess a greater awareness of what is coming, & I pray that we are as prepared and faithful as the great cloud of witnesses we have seen... as we too may one day (soon) wear the white robes of the martyrd.

The Internet may be the last front of evangelization, so use it well while you are still able... until big brother or the A.C.L.U. or some other God Smasher has put a law in place that pulls the plug on that freedom too.

Happy Fourth of July
God Bless America!