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Monday, August 29, 2005

Interceders Needed for Sept 1st Indonesian Christians Court Decision

Please pray for the a fair and just ruling on Sept. 1st for Dr. Rebecca Laonita, Mrs. Ratna Mala Bangun, and Mrs. Ety Pangesti.

* Intercede for Indonesian Christians Court Decision

These woman have undergone terrible oppression, false accusations and the trial has been a source of death threats, an atmosphere of hatred and disruption and Islamic jihad propaganda. These women have had to appear before the court one day a week since their imprisonment, the court case began June 30th.

Quote from Assist News Story Article..

"Earlier this year Dr. Rebecca Laonita, Mrs. Ratna Mala Bangun, and Mrs. Ety Pangesti conducted a “Happy Week” VBS-type program in their homes in the village of Haurgelis, West Java. Eventually about a score of Muslim children also attended with permission of their parents. They were arrested on charges of "Christianization" of Muslim children, and immediately jailed. The court case began on June 30. "

Even if they are found by the court to be innocent - Muslims have promised vengence and death on them and their families, so no matter what happens God's hand and protection must be stayed over these women.Christians have been asked to strongly intercede for these women and their families (too). The final verdictwill be on Sept 1st. Let the holy God of heaven prevail, and justice be done for these women.

Here is the link for their pictures and more information.