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Friday, September 09, 2005

Update on Court Ruling Indonesia - Happy Week

I wanted to update you on this...

All three were found guilty on all charges and sentenced to three years in prison. It has been commented that this could be a blessing in disquise as the women, missionaries, judge, lawyer etc... were all threatened with death if they had been found innocent. Anti-Christian radicals had brought a coffin for the women that they intended to use if they wound up getting acquitted. There is tremendous spiritual darkness operating here, but God can and will always use things for the good of those who love Him. Please pray for spiritual protection and blessings of the holy spirit for these women in the days ahead. May they win the hearts of their captors and other prisoners to Christ.You can find the article


In the name of Jesus Christ,

I bring before you these three women - Dr. Rebecca Laonita, Mrs. Ratna Mala Bangun, and Mrs. Ety Pangesti who have been unfairly judged and convicted because of their faith. I ask you to give them a spirit of peace and a strong hedge of spiritual protection during this time of turmoil as great evil has risen up against them because of You and Your name. Honor these chldren of yours with mercy, release them from their prisons in Your perfect time and give them opportunity to move the hearts of their jailors and other prisoners towards You. Bless them with long lives so that they continue to do the work that You have set aside for them. Keep Your strong hand of protection over them as they endure this trial.

We give you thanks and praise and glorify You Lord. Knowing that Your will has been done.

In Jesus name,

I give thanks and praise and honor to You!
