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Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Version of UN Human Rights Council will allow Wolves IN !

Changes to the UN Human Rights Council have loosened former restrictions and opened doors that will actually allow the repressive regimes and major human rights violators an opportunity to be voted into the group and part of the future decision making processes and laws.

Quoted from Christian Freedom Intl report...

" The UN General Assembly voted 170 to 4, with 3 abstentions, to create the new body designed to expose human rights abusers and help nations develop rights legislation and policy. The U.S. was joined only by Israel, Palau, and the Marshall Islands in opposing the motion ... "

Although the mandate of the new revised group looks good, it is the criteria that determines the members that is the grave concern here. Less votes will be required to vote a nation in, and those who are well known human rights violators will have rights to be submit for membership. Political pressure will in all liklihood allow new entries [wolves into the fold].

Imagine countries that methodically torture and abuse people making the kind of decisions as to laws on how to "protect people"... This is an absolute travesty of God's justice!

Pray for the Persecuted Church as never before now because the floodgates of evil have been now opened wide through this decision and the innocent will suffer more than ever before. God help and sustain the body of Christ and ALL those who suffer under the evil oppressers.