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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Already Forgotten? Tsunami Surviviors Continue to Suffer

Have Christians gone on & forgotten those still left behind?

I continue to receive updates on relief efforts in Aceh Indonesia from World Harvest. This keeps the needs of the Tsunami surviviors fresh in my mind, but have other already forgotten and put aside their needs and moved on to other things? These are long-term ongoing efforts many which will take years. The surviviors are experiencing so much suffering, physicial, mental and spiritual. The children have been greatly impacted. Are you still praying, giving... keeping them in your heart? It's the duty and great honor of the body of Christ to continue and press on in the restoration of these peoples, no matter how long it takes.

(I originally posted this on a Delphi Christian Forum)
Efforts to Combat Malnutrition Tsun Kids
Mar-3 7:58 pm

I wanted to share one on the initiatives World Harvest has taken to help combat the growing problem of malnutrition for children who have survived the Tsunami disaster. These outreaches will be long ranging, it will probably be 5-10 years before the area has really recovered. For those who can afford to continue giving to these outreaches I would encourage you to do so. In the mean time much is being done to help heal the people as they rebuild their lives and their land.
Excerpt from a recent update I received...
World Harvest/Somebody Cares Indonesia update 3rd March 2005.For more news update, please visit


”Children of the Tsunami”, that’s how the people address the children survivors who are experiencing various problems. In addition to psychological problems, they are experiencing serious malnutrition. A doctor volunteer in Aceh found two children with marasmus kwashiorkor (heavy malnutrition) and hongeroedem (lack of protein). Maybe these two children have suffered malnutrition before the tsunami. However, the tsunami has worsened the situation. Children only eat carbohydrate, such as biscuits, instant noodles, and rice without any additional protein and vitamin resources. Therefore, the distribution of free milk and fruit juices has been very helpful for the children. World Harvest distributed 36,000 boxes of milk and fruit juices to the children in some refugee camps and Zainoel Abidin hospital.

MORE HELP is still needed today. Financial support is most needed now, not only to continue to help save lives but also for infra structure rebuilding and help the people of Aceh to rebuild their life.