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A Champion & Voice for the Persecuted

Saturday, March 12, 2005

End the Terrible Suffering of the Unborn!


Please contact your representatives and support this act in which both pro-choice or pro-life should be able to agree on. Don't unborn babies deserve at least the same rights as animals or death row prisoners?

Right now aborted children have less rights than animals and are subjected to terrible suffering during the abortion procedure. At 20 weeks there is no disagreement among sources that the baby can feel pain, and some think that as early as 12 or even 7 weeks (even though the brain has not been fully developed at that point).

Yes it is true!... because the skin of the developing baby is especially thin and that child can feel pain to much more extreme degree than if fully developed.

The bottom line is that not only is every partial-birth abortion infanticide masquerading under another name, but those babies suffer even more than a full born child or adult would and their suffering and horror experienced during the abortion procedure is great.