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A Champion & Voice for the Persecuted

Monday, March 14, 2005

Brothers & Sisters in Chains


This is a Voice of the Martyr's ministry effort to help imprisoned Christians through spiritual support in prayer and encouragement, as well as being and advocate by writing to embassy's and government officials asking for their release.

* B.A.S.I.C. stands for Brothers And Sisters In Chains.

Will you stand with them too?

Special prayer for Prisoner Aiqing Zui currently being held in Hu Nan Province. Charged and convicted of - Illegal Evangelistic Activities. Sentenced for 20 years, beginning 1996.

Father, in the name of Jesus I stand before you in behalf of Aiqing, asking for You to pour out Your holy spirit upon her and cover her with Your grace and Your mercy. May the peace that surpasses all human understanding fill her heart and strengthen her. Lord, speak to those officials who may be able to help her gain her freedom, melt their cold hearts and encourage them to release her in the name of Jesus. We give thanks to our Sister Aiqing, and pray for continued courage as she stands and gives witness of You even in the darkest circumstances. We praise Your holy name and honor You!

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour we pray.
