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Friday, March 18, 2005

Too late for Terri Schiavo?

I feel such a spirit of injustice over this issue and great disappointment. Only 600 people in total showed up for the two rallies held for Terri this past Saturday and Sunday, and frankly I found those numbers pretty pathetic. Did everyone's local churches mention and perhaps set aside special prayer for her that Sunday, and support them spiritually? Did they even think to do it?

Satan has such a grip on the people surrounding this case, the entire legal system and most of those in our government. Divine intervention from God is the only thing that is going to sway these circumstances and save this woman. Our courts have failed us, our judges continue to fail us and are destroying our country. God must intervene because the men who make the life and death decisions that could save this woman and others like here have lost their sense of humanity and have failed and will continue to fail all of us.

Jesus is the only answer. If we don't travail in prayer to God to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a miracle and intervene in a mighty way, then as Christians we too will have failed Terri Schiavo. God is looking on and waiting for us to act in obedience and faith... I wonder how many are going to respond? I know many have such a burden over this, and believe that our God is a God who performs miracles in this day and age, but the sad thing is I think many more do not "really" believe it and have just given themselves over to a spirit of apathy.

No matter how discouraging this looks and whatever the ultimate outcome we must still press on and stand in the gap as never before. because that is what spiritual accountability is all about.
* Article Posted LATE on Thu, Mar. 17, 2005
Associated Press

Efforts to keep Terri alive hit Road Block

Excerpt from Article...
As lawmakers in Tallahassee and Washington wrestled unsuccessfully with legislation intended to keep her alive, legal avenues were shut down by the state and U.S. Supreme courts, diminishing hopes for a solution to block her husband before the deadline.

Comment by Terri's Parents Attorney...
"Everything is a longshot," said David Gibbs, attorney for Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler.

** And the voices that stand in behalf of inhumanity, injustice and death speak out as well
- Design Sister -

Comment by her husband's attorney...
"It would be such a horrible tragedy for Terri to have this delayed again," said George Felos, the attorney for her husband, Michael Schiavo. "Either Terri's rights and wishes are going to be carried out tomorrow at 1 p.m. or there is going to be another unconstitutional intervention."