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Saturday, March 12, 2005

First Fetuses, now Parasites?!

Shocking "pro-choice" rhetoric

On an abortion themed thread there were several "pro-choice" Christians that referred to the unborn developing child as little more than a parasite growing in it's "host" mothers body. I guess this must be some late great pro-choice rhetoric? I was never more shocked at this coming out of the mouths of people who "called" themselves followers of Christ.

Here are some of my responses to why we should not and can not call an unborn child in any stage of development a parasite. How this kind of warped thinking ever came to be, is beyond me?

Some of my comments found on...
"Who's in favor of abortion?" (Delphi Forum Thread)

You refer to a precous human life designed in the image of God who is in their earliest stages of development as a parasite? What a disgusting comparison. Babies do feel pain and even emotion in early term abortions... There just hasn't been much reporting on that research because the pro-choice movement does not want women to know the truth. Ultrasounds have shown the fetus showing extreme physical distress and desparately trying to move away from the equipment which is trying to suck the life out of them and tear them to pieces.
I suggest you do a little more research on abortion, and get it from some pro-life sources, not more pro-choice propaganda so you can really understand what you are dealing with. Yes there are two schools of thought about pain, no wonder... One group is in the business of making a huge amount of money from this barbaric procedure, the other believes in the sanctity of life at all stage.

You have to ask yourself a few things..
Given the "possibilty" you are incorrect would you really change your views on this? Secondly.. Since you call yourself a follower of Christ, how much of the truth contained within the Bible are you selectively rejecting in order to maintain your position?
Quote.."Pain in an adult, child, newborn or late-term fetus originates as an electrical signal in some of the body's pain receptors. This signal is sent via nerve pathways to the spinal column, then to the thalamus - an egg-shaped structure within the brain. Finally the signal is transferred to the cerebral cortex where it is sensed as pain. In a fetus, the pain receptors develop around 7 weeks after conception; the spino-thalamic system at about 13 weeks. Finally, the connections to the cortex are established about 26 weeks into pregnancy. Some pro-life advocates believe that pain can be felt by the fetus when these systems are only partly formed. Most pro-choice advocates believe that the complete system has to be "wired up" before the fetus can feel pain - i.e. at about 26 weeks into pregnancy."

Will you stand before God one day and say.. Forgive me for having been a stumbling block block to others (including the unborn) because of my rejection of the truths contained in Your Word?...

Guess the difference is in our "perspective" Colleen.
Most people consider parasites as something repulsive, unwanted, something to be gotten rid of, they eat off the human body, damaging it and causing disease and dysfunction. Starving children become malnourished because intestinal parasites feed off the nourishment which was intended for them. Parasites are worms. The health and lives of millions of people in third world nations are plagued by these things.
Calling an unborn baby created in the image of a holy pure and perfect God a parasite has got to be one of the biggest insults to His greatest creation going. Most non-believers would also consider the comparison of a worm to a human being repulsive, whether or not they believed in the sanctity of human life or not....

A parasite is not the same type of organism as it's host, so a baby could never be "classified" as a parasite.

There are two types of parasites...
* Internal parasites (endoparasites)- heartworms, hookworms and roundworms, live inside the body of a plant or animal and produce an infection within the host.

* Worms
- Almost all puppies are born with them or get infested soon after birth by their mother. Newborn or mature, all dogs are continuously exposed to potentially life-threatening parasites from mosquito bites or soil in the backyard and park.

** Note... neither type of parasite is the same type of organism as their host (plants or animals).

Humans at any stage of development can not be defined as such for that reason.