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Friday, March 18, 2005

Why I believe in "Jesus Miracles"

The world is aware that they removed Terri's feeding tube today. Yesterday I spent sometime at the site watching the video clips and reading a little background. How can this not break people's hearts? I just think a lot of people want to sweep it under the carpet and out of sight now.

Seem's that I am one of the few who is willing to speak out and ask for a real "Jesus miracle" here. Everyone else is "mainly" asking for comfort for her parents [now] as they undergo this ordeal, but there is nothing much more said about actual healing for Terri. We are supposed to Ask, Seek, Knock... not limit what we ask for any reasons.

I don't have any kind of healing ministry, I am not letting down anyone's expectations if my prayers and petitions don't produce the exact results I asked for. So I am not afraid to ask for Jesus miracles and "risk" my spiritual reputation. Jesus Miracles... the biggies. He raised the dead, cleansed lepers, made people cripped from birth whole.

Why is it easier to ask God to completely heal and cure a person from cancer, but not so easy to publicly ask Him to heal a severely brain damaged woman already disabled for many years? Is it OK to do it privately in your prayer closet - but not (out in public) where you may be ridiculed for asking for what seems to be the impossible?

And there is more to this issue than many are willing to face. Not only is it about a fight of good vs. evil for one woman's right to live, and protection for disabled peoples rights, but it is an issue that forces us to take a hard look and think about all those who will still may be lost in darkness at the time of their deaths... the lost and unsaved of this present world.

The eternal state of the person we pray for must always be taken into consideration. For that reason, we must not fear to ask God for the Jesus kind of miracles, for the extraordinary, the seemingly impossible things that only God can make possible... no matter how bleak the outlook may seem in the world's eyes. After all, true faith is believing in the unseen things, isn't it?