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A Champion & Voice for the Persecuted

Monday, March 14, 2005

Not Your Typical Activist

** Written by Design Sister, March 2005

There are many types of activists and activism, and I am either my own breed (or part of a special one?) that would probably not quite fit the stero-type you might have... Oh, you know, those sign carrying, extremely vocal, fearless protestors you are used to "seeing". That's just not my style.

My individual type of protest is more creative and intellectually oriented. I want to "speak" to minds, hearts and spirits. Hopefully the Holy Spirit will do the rest of the work (for those who are willing to receive it) and will "move" people. The only common ground I have with the average activist is that I am a big supportor of petitions, in all medias... Sign on - Christian soldiers! Sign on!

God has given me a mission... I am to be a Watchman (actually woman) for the body of Christ, and a champion for those who are persecuted and who have no voice. Also to be an encourager of the brethren and a witness of His truths to all people.

The spiritual "watchmen" of the Bible (Ezekial, Nehemiah, etc...) were to speak out God's Words and His warnings... whether or not the people had ears to hear and actually received them.. That is the hard part, and it is where our faith comes in to play in a big way. Everyone has an innate desire to be accepted and popular, but... that is not what Jesus said would happen when you become His follower. We take up our own cross, and with His help we carry it.

All in all, I do have to admit, I am an activist (of sorts) just not the ones you normally see on TV or read about in the papers. And this is more than OK with me. God made me a little different, for a reason and a puprose. I will embrace that and walk on.. and speak out!

Take care and God bless!