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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Resurrection Sunday - Day "10" for Terri??

As the legal storms continue to battle, Terri loses more and more of her grip on this life. Today is the sixth day of dehydration and starvation, at this point most patients begin a swift decline into a physical oblivion that results in the cessation of a life, as they knew it. Part of me thinks (along with many other's at this time) that God has decided enough is enough, & this time Terri will not be saved through the intervention of man and the courts. It's not that "we" have given up, it's just that now we have given this over fully to God and have seen how man continues to reject His will in this area. Extreme spiritual corruption of our courts, judges with blinded hearts who are rejecting all moral and ethical past "truths" and inventing new insidious ones to replace them. This thinking reminds me of Nazism and it's inhumane view of life and treatment of it, more and more. This is torture, there is suffering here...

Terri Schiavo has become more than a woman, more than a standard to fight for.. she is an enigma. Through her suffering and affliction the world has seen in an ever clearer light the true spiritual polarization in this nation, which lags not too far behind the rest of the world in it's beliefs and practices. We are at the end of an era, I feel that. If Terri Schiavo's tragic saga began today, and not years ago... I doubt we would ever have known her.

What a joyous day, Easter Sunday.. or Resurrection Sunday as many of us evangelicals refer to it. Yet my desire to rejoice and praise is overshadowed by this terrible spiritual darkness that is growing thicker over Terri and her family. Can you feel it too? It is much more than irony that this is occurring during the most holy of weeks we followers of Christ partake in. If Terri is somehow still alive, and has been redeemed for a time longer.. this coming Sunday when receiving communion, remember Terri, along with the sacrifice that Christ made for her on the cross at Calvary. Think back on what occurred later... the empty tomb, and the words the angels spoke... Remember Mary "thinking" she was speaking to the gardener and finding it was her risen Saviour instead!

Chocolate bunnies, baskets and ham dinners are no substition for those scriptural memories etched forever upon our. Terri Schiavo won't be partaking in the, she won't be receiving communion in memory... where will Terri be this coming Resurrection Sunday? Right now... only God knows for sure. Kept Terri and her family in your prayers, and hide them deep within your hearts on that glorious day. Because, this will be a Resurrection Sunday we will not likely be able to ever forget. May your tears be mixed with praise.

Take care & God bless!